Research Planning, Supervision and Evaluation Office in order to make the ISCA's research efficient in line with meeting the issues and needs of the society, considers the affairs related to planning and evaluation of research activities as an important tool. Therefore, some of the important activities of this office are: Identifying the needed research statutes and the pathology of the existing statutes, investigation and evaluation of the research activities and products and the supervision of their production process, Investigation and evaluation of qualitative and quantitative status of faculty members and researchers' activities, investigating and controlling research activities from the conclusion of the contract until the publication of the works, investigating and monitoring the activities of faculty members in the research domains, preparation and provision of periodic reports for the research performance of research centers, centers and branches of Islamic Propagation Office of Qom Seminary, analyzing the statistical information and providing the corrective proposals based on the results of carried-out evaluations delivered to the superior authority, Studying, investigating and proposing the ISCA research evaluation system, and finally supervising the same performance of evaluation standards in different research departments.
This office currently consists of director, specialist of research affairs as well as six experts.
1. Director of the office
2. Specialist of research affairs
3. Expert of promotion
4. Expert of works evaluation and research projects
5. Expert of research affairs
6. Expert of planning, supervision and evaluation
7. Expert of research affairs
8. Expert for affairs of intellectual and cultural centers