With the development of information technology and its influence on organizations, most companies, institutions and large organizations have established their activities on this basis. The growth and progress of every organization have been relied heavily on the development of IT domain and therefor, a successful organization in the business field is an organization that uses flexible and advanced IT. There is no exception in the field of research and thus, the Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy as a pioneer organization in Islamic seminary and with more than 100 faculty members and a number of researchers in the field of Islamic sciences should take advantage of IT in its activities. In order to accomplish this goal, the IT management was established in ISCA in 2008.
The Goals and Mission
1. Managing, supervising and supporting affairs related to hardware, software, and computer networks of ISCA
2. Identifying and using new services of IT in the field of Research
3. Designing and studying the necessary and ongoing processes in various fields and providing suggestions based on IT for optimizing these processes in order to achieve organizational goals.
4. Informational integration of ISCA and presenting a unique identity of ISCA in virtual environments.
5. Policymaking and providing the standards of IT in ISCA.
Completed Projects
• Designing and implementing the personal websites for ISCA's faculty members
• Designing and implementing the ISCA's websites and related centers
• Designing and implementing the websites of ISCA's electronic book store and works
• Getting the ISCA's Digital Publishing License
• Designing and implementing the system for management of Pajoohaan digital resources.
• Implementing the software for research management and contracts
Projects in progress
• Launching and developing the comprehensive portal for the Holy Quran.
• Designing and implementing the website for encyclopedia of Ahlulbayt (PBUT)
• Designing and implementing the software for the comprehensive bibliography of Islamic jurisprudence
• Developing Pajoohaan mobile bookreader application and presenting all ISCA's works and books in electronic form
Structure of IT Office
Full Name
Mahmoud Matinfar
Mahdi Daneshpajouh
Expert of Software
Hassan Jozdani
Expert of Websites and Portals
Mohammad Karimi
Technical Expert Research Systems
Mojtaba Rohani Nejad
Expert of Digital Publishing
Mohammad Shirdel
Expert of IT
Ali Mokhtarzadeh
Expert of IT