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Thursday, September 23, 2021
Here is a list of articles authored by researchers and scholars of Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy. Click on the title of the paper to read the full article in English:
1. Vaezi, A. (2019). Shiism and political affairs in the era of the presence of Shiite Imams,
Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 2
(3), pp. 7-36, DOI:10.22081/JIPS.2020.69371.
2. Feirahi, D. (2020). Traditional Governance and the Theology of Law,
Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS)
(3), pp. 37-64, DOI:10.22081/JIPS.2020.69372.
3. Lakzaei, N. (2020). A New Approach to The Transcendent Security,
Journal of Islamic Political Studies
(JIPS), 2
(3), pp. 65-86, DOI: 10.22081/JIPS.2020.69403.
4. Dehqani Firoozabadi, S. J. (2020). Feasibility Study of Islamic Theory of International Relations,
Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 2
(3), pp. 87-116,DOI: 10.22081/JIPS.2020.69404.
5. Q. Tarkhan, (2020). The Cosmological Grounds of Lifestyle and its Implications for Political,
Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 2
(3), pp. 117-142, DOI: 10.22081/JIPS.2020.69405.
6. D. Gharayaq Zandi, (2020). The Relationship Between Knowledge and Leadership In Ibn Sina’s Thought,
Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 2
(3), pp. 143-168, DOI: 10.22081/JIPS.2020.69406.
7. Z. Ramin, (2020). Cultural Experiences in Confronting the Dilemmas of Takfir in the Islamic World,
Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 2
(3), pp. 169-188, DOI: 10.22081/JIPS.2020.69407 .
8. S. J. Varaei, (2019). The Status and Foundations of the Right to Peace and Security in Islamic Thought,
Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 1
(2), pp. pp. 7-22, DOI:10.22081/JIPS.2019.68393.
9. H. Babaie., & M. Karimi. (2019). Brotherhood in Faith and its Justice-Promoting Functions in a State of “Complex Inequality”, Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 1(2), pp. 23-46, DOI: 10.22081/JIPS.2019.68394 .
10. M. Shajarian. (2019). Justice in the Structure of Government in Light of Nahj al-Balagha Letters, Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 1(2), pp. 47-76, DOI: 10.22081/JIPS.2019.68395 .
11. A. Biglari. (2019). Political Equality and The Issue of Citizenship Rights in Contemporary Islamic Thought , Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 1(2), pp. 77-102, DOI: 10.22081/JIPS.2019.68396 .
12. M. Shafiei . (2019). Cultural-Political Development in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Analysis of Transformations of 1990-1998 , Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 1(2), pp. 103-124, DOI: 10.22081/JIPS.2019.68397.
13. R. Isania . (2019). The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Way of Solving Quintuple Crises with a Democratic Mechanism , Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 1(2), pp. 125-150, DOI: 10.22081/JIPS.2019.68400.
14. M. H. Ahmadi . (2019). The Idea of “Law” in the Iranian Tanzimat Period , Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 1(2), pp. 151-175, DOI: 10.22081/JIPS.2019.68401.
15. L. R. Baker, (2021). Persons without Immaterial Souls,
Journal of Theosophia Islamica, 1
(1), pp.7-32. DOI: 10.22081/jti.2021.60335.1003.
16. Kaukua, J. (2021).The Dualist Afterlives: Avicenna and Mullā Ṣadrā,
Journal of Theosophia Islamica, 1
(1), pp. 33-57. DOI: 10.22081/jti.2021.60334.1002.
17. Mousavirad, S. J. (2021). Animal Afterlife from the Viewpoint of the Quran, Islamic Narrations and Mulla Sadra.
Journal of Theosophia Islamica, 1
(1), pp. 58-73. DOI: 10.22081/jti.2021.60401.1012.
18. Legenhausen, M. (2021). Islamic Eschatology and Religious Differences.
Journal of Theosophia Islamica, 1
(1), pp. 94-122. DOI: 10.22081/jti.2021.60381.1007
19. Sharifzadeh, F. (2021). On Mutahhari's Theodicy of Hell.
Journal of Theosophia Islamica, 1
(1), pp. 123- 135. DOI: 10.22081/jti.2021.60383.1008.
Yazdānī Muqaddam, A. R. (2020). Revelation in Mullā Ṣadrā’s Political Philosophy.
Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 2
(4), pp. 7-32.
21. J. Sigrist, Michael. (2021). Resurrectionism and the Bodily Criterion of Personal Identity from Early to Reformation-Era Christianity.
Journal of Theosophia Islamica, 1
(2), pp. 7-29. Doi:10.22081/JTI.2022.60991.1021.
22. Runggaldier, Edmund. (2021). Immortality in the Arristotelian Christian Tradition.
Journal of Theosophia Islamica, 1
(2), pp. 30-47. Doi: 10.22081/jti.2022.61067.1015
23. Alebouyeh, A. R. (2021). Compatibility or Incompatibility of Bentham's Utilitarianism with the Quran's Doctrine.
Journal of Theosophia Islamica, 1
(2), pp. 48-74. Doi: 10.22081/JTI.2022.63049.1025.
24. Legenhausen, M. (2021). Should Christians or Muslims Be Dualists? A Critical Review of Two Articles.
Journal of Theosophia Islamica, 1
(2), pp. 75-104. Doi: 10.22081/JTI.2022.61070.1017.
25. Sadatmoosavi, Zohreh; Shokouhi, Mohammad Ali. (2021). Is the Human's Death A Result of Adam's Sin? A Comparative Study of Qur'an and Bible on Death.
Journal of Theosophia Islamica, 1
(2), pp. 105-124. Doi: 10.22081/jti.2022.60424.1011.
26. Dastmalchian, Amir. (2021). Swinburne, the Gift of Life, and the Soul.
Journal of Theosophia Islamica, 1
(2), pp. 125-146. Doi: 10.22081/jti.2022.62989.1022.
27. Dānishyār, A. R. (2020). The Comparative Study of the Political Interpretation of the Quran in Yūsuf Qarḍāwi and ʿAllāmam Ṭabāṭabā's Thought.
Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 2
(4), pp. 33-64.
28. Nowrūzī Fīrūz, R. (2020). Analysis of Civilization and Formation of "Order" in the Islamic World.
Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 2
(4), pp. 64-84.
29. Murād-khānī, F. & Aʿẓamī. Y. (2020). The People and the Government in the Contemporary Shiite Political Jurisprudence (Constitutional Period).
Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 2
(4), pp. 85-105.
30. Muballighī, A. M. (2020). The Traditionalist Political Reconstruction and Anti-traditionalist Social Renovation (A Comparative and Critical Study of Two Readings of Modernization in Contemporary Iran: Political Reconstruction and Social Renovation).
Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 2
(4), pp. 106-131.
31. Lakzaei, SH. (2020). The State in the Political Thinking of Mullā Ṣadrā and Imam Khomeini.
Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 2
(4), pp. 132-156.
32.Vaezi, A. (2021). Shariʿa and the Social Justice.
Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 3
(5), pp. 7-37.
33. Izadhi, S. S. (2021). The Features of Elections in the Religious Democratic System.
Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 3
(5), pp. 38-59.
34. Mirahmadi, M. (2021). Sayyid Qutb, Islamic Jihad and Extremism.
Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 3
(5), pp. 60-82.
35. Seyedbaqeri, S. K. (2021). Contraction and Expansion the powers of the agents of the Islamic system based on the theory of Velayat-e-Faqih.
Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 3
(5), pp. 83-99.
36. Yusefi-Rad, M. (2021). The Government's Functions in Mulla Sadra's Philosophical System.
Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 3
(5), pp. 100-120.
37. Muhammad-wand, W. S. Dalir, B. (2021). Transcendental Politics: the Meeting Point of Parrhesia and the Ideal of Freedom.
Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 3
(5), pp. 121-143.
38. Biglari, A. (2021). The Semantic Study of Citizenship Rights in Nahj ul-Balagha.
Journal of Islamic Political Studies.3
(6).pp. 7-36.
39. Shariʿati, R. (2021). The Role of Taqiya in Islamic Movements.
Journal of Islamic Political Studies.3
(6).pp. 37-63.
40. Pezeshgi, M. (2021). The Transcendental Philosophy: Political Theory.
Journal of Islamic Political Studies.3
(6).pp. 64-81.
41. Behrouzi-lak, G-R. Fallah, M. (2021). The Discourse Analysis of the Concepts of Political Identity and Citizenship In Reformist and Fundamentalist Discourses (in 1370s-1380s SH).
Journal of Islamic Political Studies.3
(6).pp. 82-114.
42. Moʿini-pur, M. (2021). The Comparative Study of the People's Status in Theories of Democracy and in Imam Khomeini's Political Thought.
Journal of Islamic Political Studies.3
(6).pp. 115-139.
43. Sadra, M. (2021). The Necessity of Rereading the History of Concepts in the Contemporary Iran.
Journal of Islamic Political Studies.3
(6), pp. 139-170.
44. Fadaei Mehrabani, M. (2022). Typology of Politics in the Gnostic-Noetic System of Mulla Mohsen Feyz Kashani.
Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 4
(7), pp. 7-47. DOI: 10.22081/jips.2022.73513.
45. Moradkhani, F. (2022). Mirza Naʾini and the Scope of the Government’s Jurisdiction and Duties.
Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 4
(7), pp. 48-76. DOI: 10.22081/jips.2022.73516.
46. Lakzaíi, SH. (2022). The State in Mirza Naʾiniís Political Thought.
Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 4
(7), pp. 77-104. DOI: 10.22081/jips.2022.73515.
47. Firouzi, M. (2022). The Rule of ëNegating Aggressioní and its Link with Identifying the Right to Live in Peace in the Shiite Political Jurisprudence.
Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 4
(7), pp. 105-130. DOI: 10.22081/jips.2022.73514.
48. Rahdar, A. & Moradi Ariyan, M. (2022). The Public Diplomacy and its Relationship with Efficient Governance in Islamic Republic of Iran Based on the Theory of the Jurist’s Authority.
Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 4
(7), pp. 131-163. DOI: 10.22081/jips.2022.73512
49. Mehrabi Koushki, R. & Noroozi Firooz, R. (2022). Investigating the Index of Readiness of Frontier Technologies in the Context of Political Stability Case Study: Selected Islamic Countries.
Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 4
(7), pp. 164-190. DOI: 10.22081/jips.2022.73511.
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