ISCA Holds Meeting on Human Rights and Dignity in Islam and Christianity
Meeting on Family in the Qur’an and Bible Held in ISCA
ISCA Publishes Issue 44 for Journal of Islam and Social Studies
ISCA Publishes Issue 6 for Journal of Al-Tarikh va al-Hazarah Al-Islamiya
ISCA to Hold Meeting on Human Rights and Human Dignity in Islam and Christianity
ISCA Publishes Issue 16 for Journal of Sira Studies of Ahl-e-Bait
Book Titles
Research Departments
Faculty Members
Centers & Research Centers
Researchers and Scholars
Scientific Journals
مشاهده ویدئو
How Many Types of Journals Are Published in ISCA?
The Meeting on Human-animal Ethical Relationship in Islam and Christianity
Orthodox Experiences in the Face of the Spread of Atheism
The Conference on Immortality of Soul in Islam and Christianity