Macro-project of Mind and Body
The nature of the soul and its recognition has always been of interest to philosophers because of the important implications for it, but in recent years the mind and its mental processes and nature have attracted the attention of many Western philosophers. So much so that the twenty-first century has been called the century of the philosophy of mind, and an attempt is being made to resolve important philosophical problems by re-examining the problem of the mind. In this regard, the macro-project of "Philosophy of the Soul" has been prepared and compiled in the Research Center for Islamic Philosophy and Theology, and this macro-project has been under implementation since the 2005. So far, more than 30 volumes of books have been published in this regard, and many scientific meetings have been held on the subject of the relationship between the soul and the body.
It is worth noting that in order to carry out this macro-project, the Research Center for Islamic Philosophy and Theology has held an international conference on religious teachings and the issue of soul and body in March 2011, which was welcomed by foreign philosophers and Iranian thinkers and the scientific works of this conference were published in seven volumes with the general title of "soul and body". Also, this research center held the second conference in line with the implementation of this macro-project entitled "Immortality of Islam in Islam and Christianity" in March 2016 in both virtual and face-to-face forms. In this regard, seven scientific pre-meetings have been held and 24 books are going to presented to those interested with the general titles of "immortality" and "soul studies".
Here is a list of articles authored by researchers and scholars of Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy. Click on the title of the paper to read the full article in English:
1. Vaezi, A. (2019). Shiism and political affairs in the era of the presence of Shiite Imams, Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 2(3), pp. 7-36, DOI:10.22081/JIPS.2020.69371.
2. Feirahi, D. (2020). Traditional Governance and the Theology of Law, Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 2(3), pp. 37-64, DOI:10.22081/JIPS.2020.69372.
3. Lakzaei, N. (2020). A New Approach to The Transcendent Security, Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 2(3), pp. 65-86, DOI: 10.22081/JIPS.2020.69403.
4. Dehqani Firoozabadi, S. J. (2020). Feasibility Study of Islamic Theory of International Relations, Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 2(3), pp. 87-116,DOI: 10.22081/JIPS.2020.69404.
5. Q. Tarkhan, (2020). The Cosmological Grounds of Lifestyle and its Implications for Political, Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 2(3), pp. 117-142, DOI: 10.22081/JIPS.2020.69405.
6. D. Gharayaq Zandi, (2020). The Relationship Between Knowledge and Leadership In Ibn Sina’s Thought, Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 2(3), pp. 143-168, DOI: 10.22081/JIPS.2020.69406.
7. Z. Ramin, (2020). Cultural Experiences in Confronting the Dilemmas of Takfir in the Islamic World, Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 2(3), pp. 169-188, DOI: 10.22081/JIPS.2020.69407 .
8. S. J. Varaei, (2019). The Status and Foundations of the Right to Peace and Security in Islamic Thought, Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 1(2), pp. pp. 7-22, DOI:10.22081/JIPS.2019.68393.
9. H. Babaie., & M. Karimi. (2019). Brotherhood in Faith and its Justice-Promoting Functions in a State of “Complex Inequality”, Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 1(2), pp. 23-46, DOI: 10.22081/JIPS.2019.68394 .
10. M. Shajarian. (2019). Justice in the Structure of Government in Light of Nahj al-Balagha Letters, Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 1(2), pp. 47-76, DOI: 10.22081/JIPS.2019.68395 .
11. A. Biglari. (2019). Political Equality and The Issue of Citizenship Rights in Contemporary Islamic Thought , Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 1(2), pp. 77-102, DOI: 10.22081/JIPS.2019.68396 .
12. M. Shafiei . (2019). Cultural-Political Development in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Analysis of Transformations of 1990-1998 , Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 1(2), pp. 103-124, DOI: 10.22081/JIPS.2019.68397.
13. R. Isania . (2019). The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Way of Solving Quintuple Crises with a Democratic Mechanism , Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 1(2), pp. 125-150, DOI: 10.22081/JIPS.2019.68400.
14. M. H. Ahmadi . (2019). The Idea of “Law” in the Iranian Tanzimat Period , Journal of Islamic Political Studies (JIPS), 1(2), pp. 151-175, DOI: 10.22081/JIPS.2019.68401.
15. L. R. Baker, (2021). Persons without Immaterial Souls, Journal of Theosophia Islamica, 1(1), pp.7-32. DOI: 10.22081/jti.2021.60335.1003.
16. Kaukua, J. (2021).The Dualist Afterlives: Avicenna and Mullā Ṣadrā, Journal of Theosophia Islamica, 1(1), pp. 33-57. DOI: 10.22081/jti.2021.60334.1002.
17. Mousavirad, S. J. (2021). Animal Afterlife from the Viewpoint of the Quran, Islamic Narrations and Mulla Sadra. Journal of Theosophia Islamica, 1(1), pp. 58-73. DOI: 10.22081/jti.2021.60401.1012.
18. Legenhausen, M. (2021). Islamic Eschatology and Religious Differences. Journal of Theosophia Islamica, 1(1), pp. 94-122. DOI: 10.22081/jti.2021.60381.1007.
19. Sharifzadeh, F. (2021). On Mutahhari's Theodicy of Hell. Journal of Theosophia Islamica, 1(1), pp. 123- 135. DOI: 10.22081/jti.2021.60383.1008.
20. Yazdānī Muqaddam, A. R. (2020). Revelation in Mullā Ṣadrā’s Political Philosophy. Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 2(4), pp. 7-32.
21. J. Sigrist, Michael. (2021). Resurrectionism and the Bodily Criterion of Personal Identity from Early to Reformation-Era Christianity. Journal of Theosophia Islamica, 1(2), pp. 7-29. Doi:10.22081/JTI.2022.60991.1021.
22. Runggaldier, Edmund. (2021). Immortality in the Arristotelian Christian Tradition. Journal of Theosophia Islamica, 1(2), pp. 30-47. Doi: 10.22081/jti.2022.61067.1015.
23. Alebouyeh, A. R. (2021). Compatibility or Incompatibility of Bentham's Utilitarianism with the Quran's Doctrine. Journal of Theosophia Islamica, 1(2), pp. 48-74. Doi: 10.22081/JTI.2022.63049.1025.
24. Legenhausen, M. (2021). Should Christians or Muslims Be Dualists? A Critical Review of Two Articles. Journal of Theosophia Islamica, 1(2), pp. 75-104. Doi: 10.22081/JTI.2022.61070.1017.
25. Sadatmoosavi, Zohreh; Shokouhi, Mohammad Ali. (2021). Is the Human's Death A Result of Adam's Sin? A Comparative Study of Qur'an and Bible on Death. Journal of Theosophia Islamica, 1(2), pp. 105-124. Doi: 10.22081/jti.2022.60424.1011.
26. Dastmalchian, Amir. (2021). Swinburne, the Gift of Life, and the Soul. Journal of Theosophia Islamica, 1(2), pp. 125-146. Doi: 10.22081/jti.2022.62989.1022.
27. Dānishyār, A. R. (2020). The Comparative Study of the Political Interpretation of the Quran in Yūsuf Qarḍāwi and ʿAllāmam Ṭabāṭabā's Thought. Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 2(4), pp. 33-64.
28. Nowrūzī Fīrūz, R. (2020). Analysis of Civilization and Formation of "Order" in the Islamic World. Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 2(4), pp. 64-84.
29. Murād-khānī, F. & Aʿẓamī. Y. (2020). The People and the Government in the Contemporary Shiite Political Jurisprudence (Constitutional Period). Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 2(4), pp. 85-105.
30. Muballighī, A. M. (2020). The Traditionalist Political Reconstruction and Anti-traditionalist Social Renovation (A Comparative and Critical Study of Two Readings of Modernization in Contemporary Iran: Political Reconstruction and Social Renovation). Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 2(4), pp. 106-131.
31. Lakzaei, SH. (2020). The State in the Political Thinking of Mullā Ṣadrā and Imam Khomeini. Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 2(4), pp. 132-156.
32.Vaezi, A. (2021). Shariʿa and the Social Justice. Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 3(5), pp. 7-37.
33. Izadhi, S. S. (2021). The Features of Elections in the Religious Democratic System. Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 3(5), pp. 38-59.
34. Mirahmadi, M. (2021). Sayyid Qutb, Islamic Jihad and Extremism. Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 3(5), pp. 60-82.
35. Seyedbaqeri, S. K. (2021). Contraction and Expansion the powers of the agents of the Islamic system based on the theory of Velayat-e-Faqih. Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 3(5), pp. 83-99.
36. Yusefi-Rad, M. (2021). The Government's Functions in Mulla Sadra's Philosophical System. Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 3(5), pp. 100-120.
37. Muhammad-wand, W. S. Dalir, B. (2021). Transcendental Politics: the Meeting Point of Parrhesia and the Ideal of Freedom. Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 3(5), pp. 121-143.
38. Biglari, A. (2021). The Semantic Study of Citizenship Rights in Nahj ul-Balagha. Journal of Islamic Political Studies.3(6).pp. 7-36.
39. Shariʿati, R. (2021). The Role of Taqiya in Islamic Movements. Journal of Islamic Political Studies.3(6).pp. 37-63.
40. Pezeshgi, M. (2021). The Transcendental Philosophy: Political Theory. Journal of Islamic Political Studies.3(6).pp. 64-81.
41. Behrouzi-lak, G-R. Fallah, M. (2021). The Discourse Analysis of the Concepts of Political Identity and Citizenship In Reformist and Fundamentalist Discourses (in 1370s-1380s SH). Journal of Islamic Political Studies.3(6).pp. 82-114.
42. Moʿini-pur, M. (2021). The Comparative Study of the People's Status in Theories of Democracy and in Imam Khomeini's Political Thought. Journal of Islamic Political Studies.3(6).pp. 115-139.
43. Sadra, M. (2021). The Necessity of Rereading the History of Concepts in the Contemporary Iran. Journal of Islamic Political Studies.3(6), pp. 139-170.
44. Fadaei Mehrabani, M. (2022). Typology of Politics in the Gnostic-Noetic System of Mulla Mohsen Feyz Kashani. Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 4(7), pp. 7-47. DOI: 10.22081/jips.2022.73513.
45. Moradkhani, F. (2022). Mirza Naʾini and the Scope of the Government’s Jurisdiction and Duties. Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 4(7), pp. 48-76. DOI: 10.22081/jips.2022.73516.
46. Lakzaíi, SH. (2022). The State in Mirza Naʾiniís Political Thought. Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 4(7), pp. 77-104. DOI: 10.22081/jips.2022.73515.
47. Firouzi, M. (2022). The Rule of ëNegating Aggressioní and its Link with Identifying the Right to Live in Peace in the Shiite Political Jurisprudence. Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 4(7), pp. 105-130. DOI: 10.22081/jips.2022.73514.
48. Rahdar, A. & Moradi Ariyan, M. (2022). The Public Diplomacy and its Relationship with Efficient Governance in Islamic Republic of Iran Based on the Theory of the Jurist’s Authority. Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 4(7), pp. 131-163. DOI: 10.22081/jips.2022.73512.
49. Mehrabi Koushki, R. & Noroozi Firooz, R. (2022). Investigating the Index of Readiness of Frontier Technologies in the Context of Political Stability Case Study: Selected Islamic Countries. Journal of Islamic Political Studies, 4(7), pp. 164-190. DOI: 10.22081/jips.2022.73511.
This list includes the works published by Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy's Publications and exclude the works published by Bustan Kitab publications and other publishers.
A. Research Center for Quranic Culture and Sciences
1. Mohammad Sadeq Yusefi moghadam, The Foundations and Philosophy of Taqlid (imitation) from the viewpoint of Quran.
2. Ali Akbar Mo'meni, The analytical examination of the Holy Quran confrontation with Jew.
3. Mohammad Sadeq Yusefi moghadam, the examination of the viewpoints on The Holy Prophet's specifications on from the perspective of the Holy Quran.
4. Ayatollah Abolghasem Khaz Ali, the Immortal Lights, first volume.
5. Ayatollah Abolghasem Khaz Ali, the Immortal Lights, second volume.
6. Mohammad Sadeq Yusefi moghadam, A Study on Music from the viewpoint of Quran and interpretative narrations.
7. The Center for Quranic Culture and Sciences, the Encyclopedia of the Holy Quran (for Teenageres).
8. Sayyid Mohammad Reza Safavi, a Review of the Foundation of the Holy Quran Interpretation.
9. Abbas Kowsari, the Role of Style in Quran Interpretation and Fiqh.
10. Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, Al-Miftah al-Jame' le al-Mostalahat al-quran va al-Mafahimah, first volume.
11. Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, Al-Miftah al-Jame' le al-Mostalahat al-quran va al-Mafahimah, second volume.
12. Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, Al-Miftah al-Jame' le al-Mostalahat al-quran va al-Mafahimah, third volume.
13. Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, Al-Miftah al-Jame' le al-Mostalahat al-quran va al-Mafahimah, fourth volume.
14. Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, Al-Miftah al-Jame' le al-Mostalahat al-quran va al-Mafahimah, fifth volume.
15. Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, Al-Miftah al-Jame' le al-Mostalahat al-quran va al-Mafahimah, sixth volume.
16. Ali Mohammad Yazdi, the Method of Expressing the Quran.
17. Sayyid Ali Mirlohi, Synonymy in the Holy Quran.
18. Sayyid Ali Akbar Hosseini, The Theory of Thematic Univty of Quran's Surahs, attitudes and challenges.
19. Mohammad Ehsani, Rational Eduation from the viewpoint of the Holy Quran.
20. Mohammad Mahdi Firouzmehr, Ethical Education with a Qurnic view.
21. Mohammad Zaman Rostami & Tahereh Alebouyeh, A Journey in the secrets of angels.
22. Sayyid Mohammad Reza Razavi, Ayat al-Ahkam.
23. Isa Isazadeh, Imamah, Imamiyah and Sunni.
24. Ali Mohammad Yazdi, Conduct of Prophet Mohammad facing opponents from the viewpoint of the Holy Quran.
25. Ali Karaji, Quranic evidence in some of the topics of transcendental wisdom.
26. Abbas Kawsari, the analytical dictionary of Wojooh and Naza'er in the Quran, vol.1.
27. Abbas Kawsari, the analytical dictionary of Wojooh and Naza'er in the Quran, vol.2.
28. Farajollah Mirarab, Quranic Sciences in Ahlulbayt Hadiths.
29. Ali Mohammad Yazdi, Bid'ah in view of Quran.
30. Sayyid Jafar Sadeqi Fadaki, Examining the criteria for the development of Ayat al-Ahkam of the Holy Quran.
31. Mohammad Ali Mohammadi, The miracle of Quran with an attitude of doubt studies, vol.1.
32. Mohammad Ali Mohammadi, The miracle of Quran with an attitude of doubt studies.vol.2.
33. Mohammad Ali Mohammadi, The miracle of Quran with an attitude of doubt studies.vol.3
34. Saeed Bahmani, The logic of the Quran's answering.
35. A group of researchers, the analytical Dictionary of similar words in the Holy Quran, vol.1.
36. A group of researchers, the analytical Dictionary of similar words in the Holy Quran, vol.2.
37. A group of researchers, the analytical Dictionary of similar words in the Holy Quran, vol.3.
38. Sayyid Ali Hashemi, Contrastive indication and the technique of Ehtebak in Quran.
39. Mohammad Taqi Modaresi, In front of the Holy Quran: the Interpretation of Surah Rome.
40. The Research Center for Qurnaic Sciences and Culture, the Quranic encyclopedia of Ethics: Reputation- the pure life.
41. Majid Pour Tabatabaei, the studies of Quranology of orientalists.
42. Ali Mohammad Yazdi, the domain of Quranic topics.
43. Mohammad Sadeq Yousefimoghadam, the jurisprudence of recitation: the jurisprudence of performance and musics.
44. Abolfazl Sajedi & Hamed Sajedi, the dreaming of the revelation.
45. Abdollah Nazarzadeh, the dictionary of political terms and concepts of the Holy Quran.
46. Farajollah Mirarab, Consensus and unity in the thought of social commentators.
47. Saeed Bahmani, Novel Quranic research in the scientific dialogue with Allameh Mohammad Hadi Marefat.
48. Isa Isazadeh, Jalal Araqi, the abstracts of papers for the national conference on examination of interpretation viewpoints of Allameh Mohammad Hadi Marefat.
49. Sayyid Mahmoud Tayeb Hosseini et al, The Holy Quran exegesis studies.
50. Sayyid Mahmoud Tayeb Hosseini et al, The encyclopedia of Quranic Sciences, first volume: Surah Ale Imran, the relationship of Ayahs and Surah.
51. Ali Modaber (Eslami), Quran Interpretation with Quran in the mirror of hadiths, vol.1.
52. Ali Modaber (Eslami), Quran Interpretation with Quran in the mirror of hadiths, vol.2.
53. Abbas Kawsari, the miracle of guidance in the Quran.
54. Sayyid Reza Ishaqnia et al, the Quranic Encyclopedia of rational knowledge.
55. Sayyid Reza Hashemi et al, Qurnic encyclopedia of Fiqh and Usul, pregnancy and Tayamom, first volume.
56. Mozafar Salari, the encyclopedia of the Holy Quran (for teenagers), vol.1, water-the causes of revelation.
57. Mozafar Salari, the encyclopedia of the Holy Quran (for teenagers), vol.2, Asbat- Infaq.
58. Mozafar Salari, the encyclopedia of the Holy Quran (for teenagers), vol.3, Anfal- Pih.
59. Sayyid Ali Hashemi, the miracle of coherence in the verses of the Holy Quran.
60. Ali Akbar Momeni, hope in life from the viewpoint of the Holy Quran.
61. Isa Isazadeh, adornment based on the teachings of Quran and Ahlulbayt.
62. Mohammad Mahdi Firouzmehr, Learning based on the teachings of Quran and Ahlulbayt.
63. Isa Isazadeh, Clothing based on the teachings of Quran and Ahlulbayt.
64. Isa Isazadeh, trips based on the teachings of Quran and Ahlulbayt.
65. Isa Isazadeh, party based on the teachings of Quran and Ahlulbayt.
66. Isa Isazadeh, eating based on the teachings of Quran and Ahlulbayt.
67. Ali Khorasani et al, the Quranic encyclopedia of Hajj and Wahy (revelation) territory, vol.1: abduction-holy shrine.
68. Alijan Karimi, an introduction to emotional education from the perspective of the Holy Qur'an.
69. Saeed Bahmani, Theorization based on the Holy Qur'an.
70. Ali Mohammad Yazdi, some prerequisites for interpretation of the Holy Qur'an.
71. Lotfollah Khorasani, Revelation of terms in the Holy Qur'an.
72. Mohammad Sadeq Yousefimoghadam, the lifestyle of Ahlulbayt.
73. Abass Kawsari, (Salah) prayer based on the teachings of Qur'an and Ahlulbayt.
74. Abass Kawsari, worship and servitude based on the teachings of Qur'an and Ahlulbayt.
75. Abass Kawsari, Dua based on the teachings of Qur'an and Ahlulbayt.
76. Farajollah Mirarab, leisure based on the teachings of Qur'an and Ahlulbayt.
77. Sayyid Ali Akbar Hosseini Ramandi, theory of Islamic normative ethics based on the Holy Qur'an.
78. Hossein Rezaei, the arena of Pheonix.
79. Sayyid Ali Hashemi, the criteria of Jari and Tatbiq from the viewpoint of Allameh Tabatabaei.
80. Sayyid Majid Pourtabatabaei, The errors of John Wansbrough Qur'an studies.
The Research Center for Ahlulbayt History and Conduct.
1. Mostafa Sadeqi, the historical analysis of reappearance (of Imam Mahdi) signs.
2. Abdosalam Termanini, the events of history of Islam, vol.1 (from the beginning to 250 AH).
3. Abdosalam Termanini, the events of history of Islam, vol.2 (from 251 to 500 AH).
4. Abdosalam Termanini, the events of history of Islam, vol.3 (from 501 to 750 AH).
5. Abdosalam Termanini, the events of history of Islam, vol.4 (from 751 to 1000 AH).
6. Ali Aghanoori, The origin of Shia and emergence of Shia sects in the Twelve Imams age.
7. Hassan Hosseinzadeh Shanehchi, The political, social and cultural status of Shia in Minor Occultation.
8. Dayani, Wase'ei, An introduction to the infallible Imams' promotional method.
9. Sayyid Alireza Wase'ei, the Prophet's successors in the light of Ibn Abi al-Hadid Nahj al-Balagheh interpretation.
10. Abdollah Hosseini, The introduction and critique of history of Ashura resources.
11. Hamidreza Motahari, Zandaqa in the early Islamic centuries.
12. Ramezan Mohammadi, The critique and examination of life stories before the appointment of the Prophet.
13. Yousof Esmaeili, a glance at the history of Shiism inMazandaran.
14. Mohmoud Samani, Consultation and Counselors in the traditions and conducts of the leaders (Imams).
15. Mohammad Hadi Khaleqi, Divan Niqabat.
16. Ali Ghufrani, Islamic Culture and Civilization in Transoxiana.
17. 'Ammar, 'Abudi Nassar, Akhbar al-Malahim wa al-Fitan.
18. Mostafa Sadeqi and Hamed Qara'ati, Bibliography of Shiite History.
19. A group of scholars, The Encyclopedia of the Islamic Compilers, vol.1 (from the beginning to 300 AH)
20. A group of scholars, The Encyclopedia of the Islamic Compilers, vol. 2(The fourth century AH)
21. A group of scholars, The Encyclopedia of the Islamic Compilers, vol.3 (The fifth century AH)
22. A group of scholars, The Encyclopedia of the Islamic Compilers, vol.4 (The sixth century AH)
23. Mostafa Sadeqi Kashani, Shia governors in the Abbasid caliphate.
24. Abbas Ahmadvand, The Institution of Successorship in Ummayyid and Early Abbasid Periods.
25. Mohammad Hossein Ali Akbarian, Imam Ali's financial policies.
26. Sayyid Alireza Waseie, The Event of Harra.
27. Yadollah Moqadasi, A Fresh Inquiry into Dates of Births and Martyrdoms of Infallibles (peace be upon them).
28. Mustafa Sadeqi, An Evaluation of Imam Ali's Judgments.
29. A group of researchers, Life, wisdom, and government of the Holy Prophet (S).
30. Amir Ali Hassanlu, Clothing and Nutrition in Infallibles Conduct(peace be upon them).
31. Sayyid Mahmoud Samani, Ahlulbayt relations with Iranians.
32. Fayz Najib Eskandar, Sayyid Kkeirkhah Alavi, Armenia in Byzantine front of Islamic conquests.
33. Sayyid Abdollah Hosseini, Imamiyah Shias interactions with other Muslims.
34. Mostafa Sadeqi Kashani, Ibn Tawous historiography.
35. Mahdi Farmanian & Mostafa Sadeqi Kashani, a glimpse at Imamiyah's History of Thought.
36. Qolamhassan Hosseinzadeh Shanechi, a Survey on the Shiite Sources of Imams' History from Irbili to Majlesi.
37. Sayyid Alireza Wase'ei, Imams' strategies in the face of social disorders.
38. Hassan Qazikhani, The holy prophet and management of Medina's tensions.
39. Mansur Dadashnejad, Image of the Twelve Imams in the written heritage of Sunnis, vol.1.
40. Mansur Dadashnejad, Image of the Twelve Imams in the written heritage of Sunnis, vol.2.
41. Mostafa Sadeqi Kashani, Correction and sourceology of the book "al-Malhouf by Sayyid Ibn Tawous".
42. Dwight, M. Donaldson & Abbas Ahmadvand, Shia religion (history of Islam in Iran and Iraq), vol.1.
43. Dwight, M. Donaldson & Abbas Ahmadvand, Shia religion (history of Islam in Iran and Iraq), vol.2.
44. Mohammad Ali Chelongar & Sayyid Masud Shahmoradi, Shia governments in history.
45. Hamidreza Motahari, Ahlulbayt in the works of scientists of Andalusia.
46. Athar Abbas Razavi & Mansur Motamedi, The social-intellectual history of Twelve Imams Shia in India, vol.1.
47. Athar Abbas Razavi & Mansur Motamedi, The social-intellectual history of Twelve Imams Shia in India, vol.2.
48. Yadollah Moghadasi, the Lifestyle of the Fourteen Infallibles.
49. Mohammad Hossein Ali Akbari, the conduct of the Fourteen Infallibes in elimination of poverty.
50. Sayyid Mohammad Hassan Ale Taleqani, The history and thought of Shaykhism from the beginning until now.
51. The Abstracts of the Conference of Imam Ali (a.s), Model of justice and spirituality.
52. Mohammad Taqi Zakeri, the cultural-political life of Shalmaqani from the resistance to the deviation.
53. Ali Akbar Zakeri, An introduction to the conduct of the Fourteen Infallibles in the Four Shia Books.
54. Ali Akbar Zakri, The cultural and social conduct of the Fourteen Infallibles in the Four Shia Books.
55. Ali Akbar Zakri, The praying conduct of the Fourteen Infallibles in the Four Shia Books.
56. Ali Akbar Zakri, The political conduct of the Fourteen Infallibles in the Four Shia Books.
57. Ali Akbar Zakri, The economic conduct of the Fourteen Infallibles in the Four Shia Books.
58. Ali Akbar Zakri, The military conduct of the Fourteen Infallibles in the Four Shia Books.
59. Ali Akbar Zakri, The conduct of the Fourteen Infallibles in the Four Shia Books, vol.1.
60. Ali Akbar Zakri, The conduct of the Fourteen Infallibles in the Four Shia Books, vol.2.
61. Hossein Ghazikhani, The historical explanation of the place of Kufi people in the process of Imam Hossein Movement.
62. Mohammad Reza Mohammad Panah, The process of compilation and development of writing about companions.
The Research Center for Mahdiism and Futurology (future studies)
1. Hossein Elahinejad, An introduction to the philosophy of Mahdiism Studies.
2. Rahim Kargar, Mahdiism and Futurology.
3. Morteza Abdi Chari. An examination of religions status in the age of reappearance (of Imam Mahdi).
4. Nahid Teyebi, the description and role of the women in the era of Imam Mahdi's birthday.
5. Saeed Azarshin Fam, Shia features of Imam Mahdi in the Sunni narratives.
6. Mahmoud Malekirad, family and providing context (for reappearance of Imam Mahdi).
7. Hossein Hejami, Identification, examination and critique of deviant Mahdiism currents.
8. Hossein Elahinejad, futurology, issue studies, epistemology and foundation studies.
9. Alireza Sadra, the discourse of Mahdiism and the pathology challenges.
10. Hossein Elahinejad, an examination and analysis of the waiting (for Imam Mahdi) in sunni.
11. Khodamorad Salimian, the method of critique and examination of narratives on Mahdiism.
12. Behrouz Mohammadi Monfared, the strategy of the ethics of the waiting.
13. Mohsen Goudarzi, an examination of development and evolution of Mahdiism studies.
14. Hossin Hejami, the critique and examination of Ahmad Esmaeil movement.
15. Mahmoud Maleki, the social function of the belief in Mahdiism.
16. Hossein Elahinejad, People and providing context for the reappearance.
17. Rahim Kargar, the futurology of the family in Iran.
18. Mohammad Ali Fallah Aliabadi, the belief in interpretation in Mahdiism deviants.
19. Hossein Elahinejad, Identifying the approach of Sunni scholars response to Mahdiism opponents.
Research Center for Philosophy and Theology
1. Mohammad Amin Ahmadi, The human expectation form religion.
2. Reza Akbari, faithism.
3. John R, Searle & Mohammad Ali Abdollahi, speech acts.
4. William Wainwright & Mohammad Hadi Shahab, Reason and the heart.
5. Michael Plamer & Alireza Alebuyeh, Moral problems.
6. George Edward Moore & Gholamhossein Tawakoli, principles of ethics.
7. Hossein Ali Rahmati, The bibliography of Western Philosophy, vol.1.
8. Hossein Ali Rahmati, The bibliography of Western Philosophy, vol.2.
9. Zahra Poursina, the effects of sin on wisdom.
10. Roger Trigg & Hassan Ghanbari, rationaligy and religion.
11. Existential Argument, translated by Ahmad Dayani.
12. Qolamhossein Zeinali, the twelve successor.
13. Ralph Makinzi, translated by Souri & Alikhani, Christian ethics.
14. Michel R.Depaul, translated by Reza Sadeqi, Resurrecting old-fashioned foundationalism.
15. Mohammad Amin Sadeqi Arzagani, The perfect human from the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini.
16. Alireza As'adi, Hisham Ibn Hakam.
17. A group of authors and translators, the meaning of life.
18. Keith Maslin, translated by Mahdi Zakeri, An introduction to the philosophy of mind.
19. Montgomery Watt, Khalil Qanbari, Islam and Christianity in the current age.
20. Abbas Nikzad, the straight path.
21. Saeedeh Sadat Nabavi, Sedikin Argument in Islamic thought.
22. Mohammad Ali Mobini, Justification of belief: Yes or no?
23. Mohammad Amin Mohammad, Tanaqoznema or Ghaybnemoun: a new attitude to miracle.
24. Harman Gilbert, Mohammad Hadi Shahab, Skepticism and the definition of cognition.
25. Ibrahim Alipour, an introduction to the nature of Islamic philosophy.
26. Patrick Masterson, translated by Ibrahim Musavi, Atheism and alienation.
27. Mohammad Maleki, the descriptive bibliography of philosophy of mind.
28. The abstracts of the conference on "mind and body", the secretariat of the conference.
29. The abstracts of the conference on "mind and body" (English), the secretariat of the conference.
30. Hadi Rabi'ei, Avicenna's philosophy of art.
31. Yarali Kord Firouzjaei, the nature of Islamic philosophy.
32. Alireza As'adi, Sayyid Razi.
33. Amir Shirzad, Divine wisdom and purposeful creation.
34. Alireza As'adi, Sayyid Morteza.
35. Ali Sabouhi, Subjective materialistic theories.
36. Vahid Safari, Rationalism and revelationism of Ibn Hazm Andlusi.
37. Hossein Atrak, Kant's moral duty.
38. A group of researchers, Mind and body in Islamic texts.
39. A group of researchers, Mind and body in Peripatetic school and transcendental wisdom, vol.1.
40. A group of researchers, Mind and body in Peripatetic school and transcendental wisdom, vol.2.
41. A group of translators, Christianity and the issue of mind and body.
42. Hadi Rabbani, introduction by Mohammad Reza Hakimi, the descriptive bibliography of Tafkik School.
43. Alasdair Chalmers MacIntyre, Hamid Shahriari, three rival descriptions in ethical research.
44. Javad Danesh, religion and ethics.
45. A group of researchers, Islam and the issue of mind and body.
46. Rachels, James, translated by Mahmoud Fathali and Alireza Alebouyeh, The Elements of philosophy of ethics.
47. Translated by Yaser Pouresmaeil, Theory of functionalism in the philosophy of mind.
48. A group of translators, Dualistic theories of behaviorism in the philosophy of mind.
49. Translated by Yaser Pouresmaeil, The theory of type physicalism in philosophy of mind.
50. Sayyid Ali Hosseini Zadeh Khezrabadi, Nawbakhtian.
51. A group of researchers, mind and body in comparative theology.
52. A group of researchers, Mind and body and issue of resurrection day.
53. Translated and compiled by Yaser Pouresmaeil, deletionism in philosophy of mind.
54. A group of researchers, mind and body before and after the death.
55. A group of researchers, mind and body in ethics and anthropology.
56. Akbar Aqwam Karbasi, Mu'min al-Taq.
57. Yaser Khoshnevis, Modernity and awareness.
58. Abbas Mirzaei, Ibn Qiba al-Razi.
59. Sayyid Hassan Taleghani, Shaikh Sadough.
60. Yahya Nosrati & Mohsen Rahimi Qazani, reason and faith from the viewpoint of Soren Kierkegaard.
61. Abdolmajid E'tesami, Zaid Ibn Ali Ibn Hossain.
62. Alireza As'adi, Fluid immaterialism.
63. Mohammad Hadi Tal'ati, An introduction to humanism in the West.
64. Ibrahim Alipour, The Essences and Requirements of Islamic Philosophy.
65. Zohreh al-Sadat Naji, Confrontation of al-Ghazali and Aquinas with the virtue ethics of Aristotle.
66. Zahra (Mitra) Poursina, the impact of sin on knowledge with an emphasis on Imam Mohammad al-Ghazali's viewpoint.
67. Research Center for Islamic Philosophy and Theology, the abstract of the works of the Research Center for Islamic Philosophy and Theology.
68. Research Center for Islamic Philosophy and Theology, the abstract of the meetings and sessions of the Research Center for Islamic Philosophy and Theology.
69. Mansur Nasiri, the inference of the best explanation (an examination of Peter Lipton's viewpoint).
70. Hadi Musavi, the issue of mind and body in the wisdom of Molla Sadra with a glimpse at the emergence.
71. Javad Danesh, the ethical responsibility.
72. Behruz Mohammadi Monfared, justification of ethical belief.
73. Sayyid Mohammad Akbarian, A gap between knowledge and action from the viewpoint of the Qur'an's verses.
74. Abbas Mirzaei, the Shia Mu'tazilas.
75. Mohammad Hossain Mahdavinejad, faith and reason.
76. The abstracts of the papers and works of the conference on "the Theory of Islamic Science and its Function in education system".
Research Center for Political Thought and Sciences
1. Mas'ud Pourfard, religious democracy.
2. Najaf Lakzaei, The Challenge of Religious Politics and Royal Order.
3. Sadegh Haghighat, Foundations, principles and goals of Islamic government foreign policy.
4. Sharif Lakzaei, a comparative examination of the theory of Willayat Faqih.
5. A group of researchers, Socialists and the Critique of Liberalism.
6. A group of researchers, the political conduct of the Holy Prophet (pbuh).
7. Morteza Yusefirad, the feasibility of the Islamic political philosophy.
8. Najmeh Kikha, the relation of ethics and politics in Islamic thought.
9. Davoud Firahi, The methodology of political knowledge in Islamic civilization.
10. Mohammad Pezeshgi, The formation of women studies in the world of Islam.
11. Mansur Mirahmadi, Islamic Secularism, a critique of Muslim thinkers.
12. Rohollah Shariati, the principles of political fiqh.
13. Morteza Yusefirad, the concept studies of the political peripatetic school.
14. Sajjad Izdehi, supervision of power in political fiqh.
15. Sharif Lakzaei, transcendental policy from the viewpoint of transcendental wisdom, the abstract.
16. Sharif Lakzaei, transcendental policy from the viewpoint of transcendental wisdom, part 1.
17. Sharif Lakzaei, transcendental policy from the viewpoint of transcendental wisdom, part 2.
18. Sharif Lakzaei, transcendental policy from the viewpoint of transcendental wisdom, part 3.
19. Esmat Kikha, relations of power and law in the contemporary Iran.
20. Reza Isania, An introduction to the necessities of development in Islamic Seminary, Cleric, threats and opportunities.
21. Leo Strauss, translated by Mohsen Rezvani, the sociology of political philosophy.
22. Sharif Lakzaei, transcendental policy from the viewpoint of transcendental wisdom, vol.1.
23. Sharif Lakzaei, transcendental policy from the viewpoint of transcendental wisdom, vol.2.
24. Sharif Lakzaei, transcendental policy from the viewpoint of transcendental wisdom, vol.3
25. Sharif Lakzaei, transcendental policy from the viewpoint of transcendental wisdom, vol.4.
26. Abdolghader Tijani, Mehran Esmaeili, an introduction to the political thought in Mecca verses.
27. Sharif Lakzaei, freedom and knowledge.
28. Abolhassan Hassani, an introduction to the transcendental political wisdom.
29. Alireza Zahiri, Islamic Republic and the issue of national identity.
30. Sayyid Hassan Taheri Khoramabadi, Guardianship and leadership in Islam.
31. Mansur Mirahmadi et al., lectures on political jurisprudence.
32. Abdolwahab Forati, A textbook of the Holy Prophet's political conduct.
33. Abdolwahab Forati, cleric and modernism.
34. Alireza Sadra, the concept studies of political transcendental wisdom.
35. Parviz Kazemi, cleric and Islamic Revolution, abstracts of the meetings and dialogues.
36. Javad Mirkhalili, cleric and Islamic revolution, part1.
37. Abdolwahab Forati, cleric and Islamic revolution vol.1.
38. Rajabali Esfandiar, a collection of published works in the Research Center for Political Thought and Sciences.
39. Abolfazl Soltan Mohammadi, the political topics of Bihar al-Anwar, vol.1.
40. Rajabali Esfandiar, political studies, part1.
41. Najaf Lakzaei, the political-social development of contemporary Iran.
42. Sayyid Ali Qaderi, Imam Khomeini for the third generation.
43. Mohammad Taqi Aleghafour, the consequences of Islamic Republic of Iran's development policies and plans.
44. Ahmad Reza Yazdani Moghadam, anthropology and its consequences.
45. Mahdi Pourhossein, violation and defiance in Islamic rule.
46. Mohammad Sotudeh and a group of researchers, the opportunities and obstacles of convergence in the world of Islam.
47. Khail al-Rahman Tusi, an introduction to philosophical ethics in transcendental wisdom.
48. Reza Isania, vision of political knowledge in Iran, vol.1.
49. Sayyid Sajad Izadehi, critique of minimalist attitudes in political jurisprudence.
50. Abolhassan Hassani and a group of researchers, the epistemological foundations of political interpretation of the Qur'an.
51. Mohammad Pezeshgi, The public and private arena in Shia jurisprudence.
52. Sayyid Khalil al-Rahman Tusi, an introduction to the political philosophy of Molla Sadra.
53. Mohammad Sotudeh and a group of researchers, the critique and examination of foreign policy of Islamic Republic of Iran.
54. Ali Asghar Nosrati, the differences between jurisprudence and political jurisprudence.
55. Sayyid Mohammad Reza Shariatmadar, reason and politics in the political thought of the contemporary Iran.
56. Mohammad Javad Noruzi, the critique and examination of secularism in Islamic Republic of Iran.
57. Ali Akbari Mo'alem, the political thought of Imam Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution's third generation.
58. Reza Isania, Islamic Republic of Iran and citizenship.
59. Abdolkarim Alenajaf, al-Alamiyah al-Islamiyah.
60. Ruhollah Shariati, Election from the viewpoint of jurisprudence.
61. Abdolwahab Forati, political knowledge in Iran.
62. Morteza Yusefirad, the foundation of Peripatetic school.
63. Sayyid Kazem Sayyid Baqeri, Hermeneutic and Ijtihad in political jurisprudence.
64. Abolfazl Soltan Mohammadi, the political topics of Bihar al-Anwar, vol.2.
65. Abdolwahab Forati, the clergy and Islamic Revolution, vol.2.
66. Ahmad Waezi, an introduction to Islamic political philosophy.
67. Mokhtar Shaikhosseini & Hemmat Badrabadi, an analysis of political-legal dimentions of Mina stampede.
68. Reza Isania, a comparison of the political function of the Shia clergy and the catholic clergy.
69. Reza Isania, independence of Islamic seminary and government of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
70. Mohammad Pezeshgi, intellectual political knowledge in Islamic civilization.
71. Sharif Lakzaei, the political philosophy of Molla Sadra.
72. Mohammad Aref Fasihi Dolatshahi, the sociology of violence in Afghanistan.
73. Ahmad Reza Yazdani Moghadam, the place of revelation in political philosophy.
74. Sayyid Sajjad Izdehi, the political-governmental narratives of Ghurar al-Hikam.
75. Mohammad Salman, the ideal city of Mahdism in the Islamic political thought.
76. Alireza Sadra, a political investigation of transcendental wisdom texts.
77. Ali Agha Pirooz, a light of Imam Khomeini's management.
78. Mahmoud Fallah, The revolutionary Islamic Seminary, national and transnational responsibilities, vol.1.
79. Mahmoud Fallah, The revolutionary Islamic Seminary, national and transnational responsibilities, vol.2.
80. Mahmoud Fallah, The revolutionary Islamic Seminary, national and transnational responsibilities; the meetings.
Research Center for Jurisprudence and Law
1. Translated by Mohammad Reza Zafari & Fakhrodin Asghari, Legal systems of Islamic countries, 1995.
2. Mahdi Marizi, Puberty of girls (Jurisprudential treaties), 1997.
3. Ebrahim Abdipour, A Comparative study of the concept and effects of urgency in civil rights, 1997.
4. Translated by a group of researchers, Legal developments in the Islamic world, 1997.
5. Mohammad Nouri, Bibliography of the system of clergy education and training, 1997.
6. Seyyed Mohammad Ali Abhari, Islam and social defense, 1998.
7. Seifollah Sarrami, Hesbeh, a government institution, 1998.
8. Mohammad Taghi Rafi'ei, A comparative study of Ghorar in the transaction, 1999.
9. Mohammad Hassan Zamani, Purity and impurity of people of the book and polytheists in Islamic jurisprudence, 1999.
10. Mohammad Ebrahim Shams, A Comparative study of the death penalty, 1999.
11. Abbas Ali Azimi, International contract law in Islam, 1999.
12. Hossein Qashqaei, The method of interpreting private contracts in Iranian law and contemporary legal systems, 1999.
13. Adel Sarikhani, Espionage and betrayal of the country, 1999.
14. Mohammad Hadi Tal'ati, The bibliography of novel medical issues, 1999.
15. Mohammad Hadi Tal'ati, The bibliography of insurance, 1999.
16. Musa Rasaei Saravi, The bibliography of criminal law and criminology, 1999.
17. Mohammad Hossein Nasar, Johoud al-Shaikh al-Mufid al-Fiqhiya va Masadir Istinbatih, 2000.
18. Seyed Hassan Vahdati Shobeiri, The unknown nature of the transaction, 2000.
19. Hossein Habibi, Brain death and organ transplantation (from the point of view of jurisprudence and law), 2001.
20. Hossein Simaei Sarraf, Implied condition; A comparative research in jurisprudence, Iranian civil law and foreign law, 2001.
21. Mohd Ali Baharum, Malfeasance in English law and defamation in Islamic law, translated by Jalil Qanavati and Ebrahim Abdipour,Misrepresentation in English law and deception in Islamic law, 2001.
22. Mostafa MirAhmadizadeh, The relationship between jurisprudence and law, 2001.
23. Seyed Mohammad Ali Ayazi, The Qur'anic studies of jurisprudence, 2001.
24. A group of researchers, Dialogues on the philosophy of jurisprudence (2nd ed.), 2001.
25. Alireza Fasihizadeh, Permission and its legal effects (2nd ed.), 2001.
26. Esmaeil Rahiminejad, an introduction to the criminal law and criminology.
27. Seyed Mohammad Reza Hosseini Jalali, Al-Manhaj al-Rijali va al-Amal al-Ra'id fi al-Mawsu'ah al-Rijaliya le Sayyid al-Ta'ifah Ayatollah al-Uzma' al-Boroujerdi (2nd ed.), 2001.
28. Qodratullah Khosrowshahi, The philosophy of Qisas from the perspective of Islam, 2001.
29. Seyed Masud Noori & Seyed Abdolmotaleb Ahmadzadeh, The bibliography of history and philosophy of jurisprudence and law, 2001.
30. Rasul Mazaheri, Ja'ala in Islamic banking, 2002.
31. Ali Hemmat Bonari, Life and Thoughts of Ibn Idris, 2002.
32. Rasoul Talaeian, List of jurisprudential articles, 2002.
33. Ali Ashraf Delfani, The principles of criminal liability in Islamic and French law, 2002.
34. Saeed Kheradmandi, Advocacy in commercial law and its adaptation to jurisprudence, 2003.
35. Reza Esfandiari (Eslami), A comparative study of the nature of the apparent ruling (based on the viewpoints of Shahid Sadr), 2003.
36. Dr. Jalil Qanavati, A comparative study of request and acceptance, 2004.
37. Mohammad Hadi Tal'ati, Population growth, family planning and abortion (jurisprudential viewpoints and principles), 2004.
38. Seyed Sadegh Seyed Hosseini Tashi, Tolerance between the denominations, 2004.
39. Mohammad Reza Jabaran, Marrying non-Muslims, 2004.
40. Ahmed Deilami, a jurisprudence and legal examination of the passage of time, 2005.
41. Ahmad Mobaleghi, Mawsu'at al-Ijma' fi Fiqh al-Imamiya (Vol. 1), 2005.
42. Seyed Mohammad Entezam, Philosophical assumptions in the science of principles, 2005.
43. Mohammad Kazem Rahman Setayesh & Mahdi Mehrizi, Rasa'il fi Wilaya al-Faqih, 2005.
44. Research Center for Jurisprudence and Law & Research Center for Political Sciences and Thought, Political thought in Imam Ali discourse (2nd ed.), 2005.
45. Farajollah Hedayatnia Ganji, the financial rights of wife, 2006.
46. Seyed Hassan Vahdati Shobeiri, Principles of Contractual Civil Liability, 2006.
47. Ebrahim Shafiei Sarvestani, Legislation in the Islamic Republic of Iran (harms and necessities), 2006.
48. Seifollah Sarrami, right, rule, and duty (A collection of dialogues), 2006.
49. Saeed Ziaeefar, An introduction to the studies of jurisprudential schools of thought, 2006.
50. Mohammad Reza Reza nia Mo'alem, Medical fertility from the point of view of jurisprudence and law (2nd ed.), 2007.
51. A group of authors, Ta'azirat (Punishments) from the point of view of jurisprudence and criminal law (2nd ed.), 2007.
52. Jalalodin Qiasi, Principles of criminal policy of the Islamic government (2nd ed.), 2007.
53. Hassan Ali Akbarian, Criteria for recognition of fixed and variable rulings in hadiths (2 vols.), 2007.
54. Saeed Qomashi, the place of reason in inference of rulings (2nd ed.), 2007.
55. Reza Eslami, the theory of Haq al-Ta'a (2nd ed.), 2007.
56. Hamid Shahriari, council in fatwa, 2007.
57. Esmaeil Aghababaei, Transplantation of organs from deceased patients and brain death (a jurisprudential-legal study) (2nd ed.), 2007.
58. Ebrahim Shafi'ei Sarvestani, Hijab (modest dress): Islamic State`s Responsibilities and Powers, vol.1, 2008.
59. Ebrahim Shafi'ei Sarvestani, Hijab (modest dress): Islamic State`s Responsibilities and Powers, vol.2, 2008.
60. Ebrahim Shafi'ei Sarvestani, Hijab (modest dress): Islamic State`s Responsibilities and Powers, vol.3, 2008.
61. Ali Abbas al-Musavi, Fiqh al-Masa'il al-Mostahdasuh, 2008.
62. A group of scholars (In partnership with Research Center for Political Sciences and Thought & Research Center for Philosophy and Theology), Ashura Movement, the theological, political and jurisprudential studies.
63. Hossain Alian Amini, Ahkam al-Murtad fi al-Sharia al-Islamiyah, 2 vols., 2008.
64. Hosseinali Bay & Babak Pourghahremani, A Jurisprudential and Legal Study of Computer Crimes, 2009.
65. Mohammad Ali Soltani, the worldly goals of Fiqh, 2009.
66. Saeed Ziaeefar, the effect of ethics on Ijtihad (a series of dialogues), 2009.
67. Ali Akbar Kalantari, The second ruling in Islamic legislation (2nd ed.), 2009.
68. Hossein Azizi, Principles and history of the evolution of ijtihad (2nd ed.), 2009.
69. Esmaeil Aghababaei, Jurisprudential and Legal Issues in Pyramid Companies, 2010.
70. Abdolmajid Mobaleghi, an introduction to terrorism studies (jurisprudential approaches, definitions and topic studies), 2010.
71. Seyed Hassan Vahdati Shobeiri, Alcohol and its productions in Islamic Jurisprudence, 2010.
72. Adel Sarikhani, A Jurisprudential-legal Research on Press Crimes, 2010.
73. Seyed Sadegh Seyed Hosseini Tashi, the relationship between crime and sin (1st ed.), 2010.
74. Mahmoud Hekmatnia, civil liability in Imamiyah Fiqh (Principles and Structure), (2nd ed.), 2010.
75. Seyed Mohammad Ali Ayazi, the criteria of rulings and the methods of its exploration (2nd ed.), 2010.
76. Rahim Nobahar, The goals of punishments in sexual crimes (An Islamic Vision), (2nd ed.), 2011.
77. Alireza Farahnak, Subject studies in jurisprudence (A series of dialogue), 2010.
78. Mohammad Salehi Mazandarani, A legal-jurisprudential examination of civil liability arising from judicial decisions (With a look at some legal systems), 2012.
79. Esmaeil Nematollahi, the legal possessions in line with the right of the oblige, 2012.
80. Javad Fakhar Tusi, defendants' rights (a jurisprudential-legal examination), 2012.
81. Seifollah Sarrami, A comparison of jurisprudence and law resources and methods (A series of dialogue), 2012.
82. Saeed Ziaeifar, an introduction to the governmental approach to jurisprudence (A set of articles and meetings), 2012.
83. Amir Rahmani, A study of jurisprudential management in husband and wife relationships, 2012.
84. Sayyid Zia Mortazavi, A jurisprudential study on recognizing the subject and review of menopausal age evidence, 2012.
85. Esmaeil Aghababaei, jurisprudential and legal issues in euthanasia, 2012.
86. Saeed Ziaeifar, The Place of Theological Principles in Ijtihad, 2013.
87. Seifollah Sarrami, The place of the Qur'an in inference of rullings, 2013.
88. A group of scholars, edited by Alireza Farahnak, The bibliography of jurisprudential principles, 2014.
89. Seyed Mohsen Fatahi, Cultural heritage (A jurisprudential-legal examination), 2014.
90. Mohammad Reza Zamiri, the encyclopedia of Shia Usul scholars, Two Vols. 2014.
91. Seifollah Sarrami, resources and arguments of Usul Fiqh, 2014.
92. Ali Jafari, The good intention in the contracts (A jurisprudential-legal examination), 2015.
93. Javad Fakhar Tusi, Restitution of dignity and compensation for spiritual damages resulting from criminal proceedings, 2015.
94. Nematollah Safari, The role of Taghiya in inference, 2015.
95. Seyed Ahmad Miremadi, The Twelve Imams and Usul, 2015.
96. Translated by Mohammad Zafari & Fakhrodin Asghari Aghmashhadi, Philosophy of Islamic law, 2015.
97. Behruz Minaei, The theological thought of infallibility, 2016.
98. Hassan Ali Ali Akbarian, An Introduction to the Philosophy of rulings; Functions, and Cognitive Methods, 2016.
99. Ali Shafiei, Theorization in Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) and Usul, 2016.
100. Alireza Fajri, an introduction to the issue of the relationship between men and women in an Islamic society, 2017.
101. Javad Fakhar Tusi, a jurisprudential study on the subject of news and news agency, 2017.
102. Azizollah Fahimi, Civil Responsibility Arising from Environmental Degradation in Fiqh and Law of Iran, 2017.
103. Hassanali Ali Akbarian, The Rule of Justice in Imamiyah Jurisprudence (A series of dialogue), 2017.
104. Reza Esfandiari (Eslami), principles of governmental jurisprudence, 2017.
105. Seyed Zia Mortazavi, The Jurisprudential Nature of the State And the Guarantee of Its Harmful Acts, 2017.
106. Mohammad Nouri, The comprehensive bibliography of Islamic jurisprudence, 5 vols, 2017.
107. Mohammad Hassan Najfi Rad, the front space of land ownership and its exploitation rulings, 2018.
108. Esmaeil Aghababaei Bani, the effect of jurisprudential viewpoints on criminal laws in the crimes against physical integrity of individuals, 2018.
109. Rasoul Mazaheri & Mohammad Ali Khademi Kusha, Electronic contracts from the viewpoint of jurisprudence and law, 2018.
110. Research Center for Social and Civilizational Studies in partnership with Research Center for Jurisprudence and Law, Studies in social justice, 2018.
111. Jalalodin Ghiasi, Method of interpretation of criminal laws, 2019.
112. Mohammad Soltani & Seyed Ali Hosseini, the Jurisprudential school of thought of Mohaghegh Ardebili, 2019.
113. Reza Esfandiari (Eslami), the place of principles of Istizhar in solving novel problems, 2019.
114. Mahdi Firouzi, The right to development in the international system of human rights and Islamic teachings, 2020.
115. Esmaeil Aghababaei, Monopolizing the transfer of immovable property in an official document (legal jurisprudence sessions), 2020.
116. Seyed Baqer Mohammadi, A Jurisprudential examination of the obstacles and alternative institutions of enforcing hudud in the age of occultation, 2020.
117. Alireza Farahnak, The principle of Wizr, 2021.
118. Saeed Ziaeifar, The roots and consequences of caution in Ijtihad and Ifta, 2021.
119. Esmaeil Aghababaei, Criminal liability of vehicle drivers in Islamic jurisprudence and law, 2022.
Research Center for Ethics and Spirituality
1. A group of authors, the book "Identifying the Islamic Ethics".
2. A group of authors, applied ethics.
3. Hamid Reza Mazaheri Seif, the critical current studies of novel mysticism.
4. Hossein Moein & Ahmad Nazem, Monotheistic education.
5. Mohammad Alemzadeh Noori, an introduction to clerical life.
6. A group of translators, moral development, a guide book, vol. 1.
7. A group of translators, moral development, a guide book, vol. 2.
8. Mahmood Morvarid & Ahmad Reza Hemmati, goodness, ethical obligation and divine order.
9. Mohammad Taqi Eslami, Islamic ethics and its applications of principle of laxity in the arguments of traditions.
10. Hassan Bousaliki, the ethical conflict and Usul Fiqh.
11. Hamid Aqanouri, Professional ethics and the guild duties of clerics from the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini.
12. Mohammad Alemzadeh Noori, The inference of ethical ruling in the conduct and deeds of the Fourteen Infallibles.
13. Mohammad Alemzadeh Noori, Hassan Bousaliki and Hossein Moradi, the role of instructor in ethical-spiritual education.
14. Mahdi Ahmadpour, Islamic jurisprudence and ethics, a scientific comparison.
15. Kazem Daliri, an introduction to the conduct of (god) slavery.
16. A group of scholars, al-Madaris al-Akhlaqiyah fi al-Fikr al-Eslami.
17. Mohammad Hedayati, the relationship between ethics and jurisprudence.
18. Hojatollah Azad, the impact of faith on the ethics of virtue from the perspective of Islam.
19. Mohammad Reza Fallah Shirvani, Kazem Daliri, Mysticism, and necessities of mysticism studies.
20. Sayyid Reza Baqerian Movahed, the dictionary of works of Islamic mysticism.
21. Mohammad Alemzadeh Noori, the inference of ethical ruling from the religious texts and verbal arguments, part 1.
22. Mohammad Alemzadeh Noori, the inference of ethical ruling from the religious texts and verbal arguments, part 2.
23. Ahmad Shakernejad, the new spirituality.
24. Mohammad Reza Salarifar et al, an introduction to the psychological-educational principles and methods of chastity and Hijab.
Research Center for Islamic Documents and Information Management
1. A group of researchers, Dictionary of Usul Fiqh.
2. A group of researchers, Thesaurus of Reforming consumption pattern.
3. A group of researchers, Dictionary of Qur'anic Sciences.
4. Mohammad Hadi Yaqubnejad, dictionary of subjects and abstracts of Ayatollah Motahari's works.
5. A group of researchers, Thesaurus of Fiqh, Vol. 1.
6. A group of researchers, Thesaurus of Fiqh, Vol. 2.
7. A group of researchers, Thesaurus of Fiqh, Vol. 3.
8. A group of researchers, Thesaurus of Fiqh, Vol. 4.
9. A group of researchers, Thesaurus of Fiqh, Vol. 5.
10. A group of researchers, Thesaurus of Fiqh, Vol. 6.
11. A group of researchers, Thesaurus of Fiqh, Vol. 7.
12. A group of researchers, Thesaurus of Fiqh, Vol. 8.
Research Center for Civilizational Islam
1. Ali Haqqi, science, reason and religion.
2. Sayyid Hossein Sayyedi, Aesthetics of Qur'anic verses.
3. Mohammad Hossein Ahmadi & Sayyid Mohammad Hossein, Legal ways of depositing in banks.
4. Sayyid Hossein Sayyedi, the historical movement of miracle of the Qur'an.
5. Shohreh Shahsavandi & Omid Khanezad, changing the audience in the Qur'an.
6. Jahangir Masudi, Hermeneutics and intellectualism.
7. Sayyid Ali Naqi Ayazi, Nikoo Sadat Dedayati, an introduction to concept of social changes in the Qur'an.
8. Ali Elahi Khorasani, The theory of legal validity in the transition from characterism.
9. Kate E. Yandel, translated by Ali Haqi, Epistemology of religious experience.
10. Mohammad Masood Saeedi, A Study of the Sociological and Relationship between Shiite Islam and Democracy.
11. Sayyid Ali Naqi Ayazi, Obstacles to thinking in the process of progress based on Quranic teachings.
12. Seyed Hossein Seyedi, Principles and foundations of Islamic Literature.
13. Razieh Nejati Hosseini, The role of Shiite scholars in the spread of Shiism in India.
14. Mohammad Baghestani Mozehgar, Scientific heritage of Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein (AS).
15. Mohammad Khamehgar, Principles and rules of argumentative discovery for the purpose of Quranic verses.
16. Mohammad Masud Saeedi, Theoretical explanation of secularization in contemporary Iranian society.
17. Sayyid Mostafa Ahmadzadeh, The nature of righteous deeds in the Holy Quran.
18. Balal Shakeri, The truth of Islamic law in the principles of jurisprudence.
19. Mohammad Khamehgar, Ijtihadi Interpretation of Surah Tahrim.
20. Mohammad Masud Saeedi, cosmic mysticism.
21. Sayyid Mohammad Hosseini, Forgotten requirements for sustainable development.
22. Seyed Hossein Seyedi, Artistic creations in Nahj al-Balaghah.
23. Mohammad Masud Saeedi, A study of cosmic mysticism and energy therapy.
24. Qolamreza Jalali, Mystical schools of Shiite Seminaries in Iran and Iraq.
25. Goddard Hugh, The History of the relationship between Islam and Christianity, translated by Mansur Motamdei & Zahra Moadab.
26. Steve Bruce, Religion in the modern world, from cathedrals to cults, translated by Fayaz Araghi.
The Center for Reviving of Islamic Works
1. Molla Ahmad Ibn Mohammad Mahdi Naraqi, Saif al-Omah va Borhan al-Melah.
2. A group of scholars, Tafsir Surah al-Fatihah, vol.1.
3. A group of scholars, Tafsir Surah al-Fatihah, vol.2.
4. A group of scholars, Mawsuat al-Alamah al-Balaqi (9 volumes).
5. al-Shaikh Jafar al-Mohajer, Rijal al-Ash'arieen min al-Mohadethin va Ashab al-A'emah.
6. Ali Akbar Zamani Nejad, A book on Knowing Baha'ism (in Persin).
7. A group of scholars, al-Shaikh Baha al-Din Mohammad al-Ameli.
8. Mohammad Kazem Rahmati, A book on Knowing Baha'ism (in English).
9. Shahid Awal, Mawsuat al-Shahid al-Awal (21 volumes).
10. Shahid Thani, Mawsuat al-Shahid al-Thani (30 volumes).
11. Shaikh Ali al-Ameli, al-Dor al-Manthur min al-Mathur va ghair al-Mathur, al-Joz'o al-Awal.
12. Shaikh Ali al-Ameli, al-Dor al-Manthur min al-Mathur va ghair al-Mathur, al-Joz'o al-thani va al-Thalith.
13. Mowla Mohammad ibn Shah Morteza Kashani, The mirror of truths.
14. Qias al-Din Mansur Dashtaki, Mansuri Ethics.
15. Ahmad Ibn Mahdi al-Naraqi, Asas al-Ahkam.
16. Hassan Ibn Jafar Kashif al-Qita, Anwar al-Fiqahah (10 volumes).
17. Agha Hossein Mohaqiq Khansari, Minhaj al-Salekin va Vasilah Najah al-Halekin.
18. Mohammad Ali al-Ahmadian al-Najaf Abadi, al-Sahabah al-kiram (3 volumes).
19. Mawla Nazar Ali Taleghani, Manat al-Ahkam.
20. Ahmad ibn Mohammad ibn Maskawayh, Tahzib al-Akhlaq.
21. Ale Kashif al-Qita', Mawsuat al-Imam Mohammad al-Hossain ale kashif al-Qita', al-Athar al-Kalamiyah (14 volumes).
22. Sayyid Mohammad Baqir al-Kahnavi al-Keshmiri, Asda' al-Riqab fi Mas'alah al-Hijab.
23. Abdorazaq Lahiji, research: Akbar Asad Alizadeh, Elahiat Shavariq fi Sharh Tajrid al-Kalam.
24. Habibollah al-Sharif al-Kashani, Montaqed al-Manafe' fi Sharh Mokhtasar al-Nafe', al-Salah 1, al-Joz'o al-Sabe'.
25. Habibollah al-Sharif al-Kashani, Montaqed al-Manafe' fi Sharh Mokhtasar al-Nafe', al-Salah 2, al-Joz'o al-Thamen.
26. Habibollah al-Sharif al-Kashani, Montaqed al-Manafe' fi Sharh Mokhtasar al-Nafe', al-Salah 3, al-Joz'o al-Tase'.
27. Habibollah al-Sharif al-Kashani, Montaqed al-Manafe' fi Sharh Mokhtasar al-Nafe', al-Salah 4, al-Joz'o al-'Asher.
Center for Islamic Studies of Society and Civilization
1. A group of authors, a theoretical examination on civilization
2. Hassan Khayeri, religion, media and social communications.
3. Habibollah Babaei, Civilization and modernity in contemporary Arab thought.
4. A group of authors, conventional religion.
5. Ahmad Rahdar, Western studies of Shiite scholars in the experience of contemporary Iran.
6. Habibollah Babaei, Theoretical explorations in theology and civilization.
7. Rahim Rasti Tabar, Secularism from rise to fall.
8. Yaser Asgari & Rasoul Norouzi Firouz, Methodology of Islamic Studies in the West.
9. William Skidmore, Theoretical thinking in sociology.
10. Mohammad Reza Zamiri & Ali Baqerifar, National Conference on the Relations between the Clergy and the Young Generation, 1st vol.
11. Mohammad Reza Zamiri & Ali Baqerifar, National Conference on the Relations between the Clergy and the Young Generation, 2nd vol.
12. Mohammad Reza Zamiri & Ali Baqerifar, National Conference on the Relations between the Clergy and the Young Generation, 3rd vol.
13. Mohammad Reza Zamiri & Ali Baqerifar, National Conference on the Relations between the Clergy and the Young Generation, 4th vol.
14. Amanollah Fasihi, The Critique of the functional explanation of religion.
15. Sayyid Mohammad Hossein Hashemian, Quality management in cultural organizations.
16. Mohammad Kazem Karimi, Clergy and the requirements of contemporary society.
17. Hassan Kheiri, Foundations of the social system of Islam.
18. Hossein Goudarzi, an Analytical study of the publication of religious books in Iran.
19. Hossein Goudarzi, an Analytical study of religious press publishing in Iran.
20. Nasrollah Nazari, Ideal social values and norms from the perspective of Islam.
21. Ali al-Sheikh, a comparative study of the organization of the Catholic and Shiite clergy.
22. Meysam Vaseghi, Methodology of Muslim social thought.
23. Mansoureh Oliaei, An introduction to the Islamic-Iranian lifestyle.
24. Zabihullah Naeemian, Critical Western studies of Muslims.
25. A group of researchers, Islamic studies in social justice.
26. Mojtaba Abde Khodaei, Modern government in international relations.
27. Rasool Norouzi Firooz, Discourses of Islamic Civilization in Contemporary Turkey.
Center for Scientific and International Cooperation
1. A group of authors, the scientific and cultural movement from the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini.
2. A group of authors, software movement from the viewpoint of Supreme leader of Iran.
3. The Office for Software Movement, Orientation of sciences from an epistemological perspective.
4. Board of critics and theorists, A study of the relationship between reason and revelation from the perspective of philosophy and the school of separation.
5. A group of professors and scholars, Transformation management in Islamic seminaries.
6. A group of professors, Consumption pattern in the perspective of Islamic studies.
7. A group of authors, Abstract articles of the Conference on Religious Modernism.
8. Abdolmajid Mobaleghi, Innovation and religious studies.
9. Abdolmajid Mobaleghi, Religious modernism.
10. Abdolmajid Mobaleghi, an examination of innovation in religious research.
Secretariat of the Congress of Shahidain
1. A group of researchers, the encyclopedia of Shahidain.
2. A group of researchers, al-Shahid al-Awal fi Masader al-Arabiah.
3. A group of researchers, al-Shahid al-Thani fi Masader al-Arabiah.
4. Kazem Rahmati, the encyclopedia of Shahidain (in English).
5. A group of authors, a collection of Shahidain papers (Qur'an, hadith, bibliography).
6. A group of authors, a collection of papers of al-Motamar al-Alemi le al-Shahidain.
7. A group of authors, a collection of papers of Shahidain (Fiqh and Usul).
8. A group of authors, a collection of papers of Shahidain (history, theology and ethics).
9. A group of authors, a collection of papers of Shahidain (University and seminary students).
10. Ahmad Torabi, Shahid Awal, the first martyr on the path of jurisprudence.
11. Sayyid Ebrahim Sayyid Alavi, demystification of the Occultation rulings, Shahid Thani.
12. Bakhtiari Kouh Sorkhi, The hearty secrets and mysteries of prayer, Shahid Thani.
13. A group of authors, The English and Arabic abstracts of International Conference of Shahidain.
14. Mohammad Mahdi al-Asefi, al-Mohaqiq al-Helli.
The list is being updated
Transcendental Policy, as it is known, was established and systematized by Sadr al-Din Shirazi, known as Sadr al-Mote'allehin. Today, this wisdom (Hikmah) is one of the most popular schools of Islamic philosophy, which is the continuation of the philosophical life in the Islamic world and Iran. We can also name some famous thinkers that after many years have been the greatest commentators and interpreters of this novel wisdom.
Unfortunately, however, not all aspects of transcendental wisdom, especially its political aspects, have been properly considered, examined, investigated, and studied, as it should be.
However, some believe that Sadra's works, thought, and transcendental wisdom lack political thought and philosophy. On the other hand, most of the viewpoints on the political aspects of transcendental wisdom lack clear evidence and they are inaccurate. In the meantime, commentators and interpreters of transcendental wisdom have not paid any attention to the development of political issues of this wisdom for some various reasons, and focused more on explaining and developing the text. Most importantly, none of Sadr al-Din Shirazi's works has so far been analyzed from the perspective of political philosophy. The common limitations and difficulties of the scientific community and the dominant systems of knowledge owners should be added, because of which there have not been any opportunity to raise political philosophy issues. Therefore, viewpoints about transcendental political philosophy have been associated with love, hatred, fondness, and fascination.
Due to the existence of strong motivation and efforts of the researchers in the Research Center for Political Sciences and Thoughts, the aforementioned gaps have caused a plan to carry out scientific-research activities and empower Islamic political philosophy, especially with a focus on explaining the political aspects of transcendental wisdom, which is similar to an active and dynamic wisdom. Accordingly, the activities are in several levels including writing papers and carrying out studies on some issues, holding meetings discussion sessions, holding conferences, book critique and so on. For the first time, the current plan tries to highlight the political aspects of transcendental wisdom and contribute to empowerment, establishment, and enrichment of Islamic political philosophy in the form of transcendental political philosophy.
To achieve this goal, in 2005, the collection of papers on "political aspects of transcendental wisdom" was designed after approval of the plan by ISCA and considering the high capacities of the researchers in the field of Islamic political knowledge, and it was carried out with the help of God and participation of a number of professors, researchers and colleagues at Department for Political Philosophy in the Research Center for Political Sciences and Thought and then published as the first volume of a collection of papers. In addition, the second phase of this plan started in 2006 by holding a series of meetings on "political aspects of transcendental wisdom" with the presence of professors, experts in order to create space and provide context to identify the features of transcendental political wisdom. This mission was accomplished with the help of Allah and so far, there have been various talks on this topic. So far, three books have been published from the series of the conference day's meetings, talks, lectures, and sessions.
Finally, planning for the conference on "Transcendental policy from the viewpoint of transcendental wisdom" began in mid-2007. During different meetings of the scientific committee and the conference policy council, the topics of the Conference's call were finalized in a four-topic format, and a public announcement was made in April 2008.
In order to empower the quality of scientific issues and with the help and guidance of the honorable professor of transcendental wisdom, Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, the scientific committee postponed the date of the conference to February 2008, which was supposed to be in June 2008. Undoubtedly, this conference is the starting point to design and conduct effective and useful research on transcendental political wisdom and it will be followed by the empowerment of one of the indigenous sciences.
There needs to be explained about stages of the process. In the first stage, after presenting the brief and detailed plan and approving some of the topics and titles, we talked with a group of researchers to write papers on the approved topics. The presented plan was welcomed by some the lovers and each of them assisted this new plan to be fruitful by choosing one of the topics freely and writing paper on that topic. The submitted papers were examined and judged by some professors and the conference's members of the scientific committee in several phases and the result of the evaluations was given to the authors to enrich the papers. After correcting the papers, the full text of the papers were published in the form of the first volume of "transcendental policy from the viewpoint of transcendental wisdom".
The research plan of "transcendental political wisdom" considers basic, practical, comparative, historical goals, producing knowledge, conceptualization and empowerment in order to culturalize and provide context. Some of the goals are as follows:
1. The critique and examination of the dominant secularism on the existing political philosophies from the viewpoint of Islamic political philosophy.
2. Providing the theoretical arrangements to make global politics spiritual through considering the body and soul simultaneously.
3. Producing political concepts with an Islamic approach and based on Islamic political philosophy.
4. Participation in producing political knowledge with an Islamic and local approach.
5. Providing the context for theoretical to solve intellectual problems in the field of political thought in Islamic Republic of Iran and world of Islam.
6. Empowerment and explanation of Islamic philosophy capabilities in the fields of politics and society.
7. Explaining the capacities and features of the transcendental philosophy to enter political and social arenas.
8. Providing a theoretical foundation to criticize the rival political schools and philosophies.
9. Upgrading the Islamic political philosophy in the form of transcendental political philosophy.
10. Providing the theoretical context to have a systematic, comprehensive, objective look at the issues of politics, diplomacy in today's world especially in the world of Islam.
Mawsuat Sahid Awal is a collection of works and written materials of Mohammad Ibn Maki Ameli, known as Shahid Awal (d. 786 AH) that has been compiled in Arabic by a group of researchers at Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, under the supervision of Ali Awsat Nateqi. The entry of this book has been prepared by Reza Mokhtari.
The Structure
According to the entry of the book, this series has been compiled in 21 volumes, 19 of which are dedicated to the works of Shahid Awal and in volume 0, under the title of entry authored by Reza Mokhtari, biography and works of Shahid Awal and, in the 20th volume, table of contents are available. At the beginning of some of the volumes, there is a useful introduction written by Ali Awsat Nateqi which provides explanation about the materials of that volume and, the method of the researchers' studies and correction.
The Content
The entry of the book has been compiled by Reza Mokhtari in three chapters and one attached section. In the first chapter, life of Shahid Awal, and his scientific place as well as some of his professors and scholars have been examined in narration. The second chapter refers to his historical status, conduct, and martyrdom. In the third chapter, his treatises, books, permissions, poems and in a nutshell his works have been investigated. The attached section provides two treatises under the title of Nasim al-Sahar and treatise of Ibn Taymiyyah ila al-Soltan. The final chapter includes the references.
Each of the Shahid Awal's works has been presented with regard to its number of volumes and quantities, in one or several volumes of this mawsuat in the following order:
Volumes 1 to 4: Qayah al-Murad fi Sharh Nokat al-Irshad: It explains Allameh Helli's book " Irshad al-Azhan" and includes the book" purity to faith". The author of Qisas al-Ulama has considered it the first book of Shahid Awal that has been finished in 757 AH.
Volumes 5 to 8: Zekri al-Shia fi Ahkam al-Shariah: Shahid Awal started writing this book in 784 AH. An accurate examination in his style suggests that Shahid (Awal) had intended to write a thick mawsuat in Islamic jurisprudence that contains all or most of the general and specific documentations on all issues, although this book only contains one type of worship and that is the book "al-Salat" which also includes some chapters related to purity, and Shahid Awal couldn't have completed it along with the rest of the chapters about worships, transactions, and policies.
Volumes 9 to 11: Al-Dorus al-Shareieh fi Fiqh al-Imamiyyah: These volumes include most of the chapters of fiqh i.e. until Kitab Rahn. The former compiler had been martyred before completing it. Shahid started the compilation in 780 AH and finished it on Rabi' al-awwal 12th, 784 AH. The aforementioned book has various explanations including Mashariq al-Shomus, Orvat al-Vosqa, and explanation of Saheb Riaz's father.
Volume 12: al-Bayan: It includes the books "Taharat (purity), Salat (praying), Khoms and a part of Sowm (fasting).
Volume 13: Al-Lom'ah al-Dameshqiyah fi Fiqh al-Imamiyya is Shahid's enduring and famous work. This book contains all chapters of jurisprudence in brief and it is out of argument in some rare cases. Shahid has compiled Lom'ah four years before his martyrdom, which indicates superiority of the researcher despite its brevity in terms of arrangement and classification. There have been many explanations for Lom'ah, which the most famous one is the explanation of Shahid Sani known as "al-Rawzah al-Bahiyah".
Volume 15: Al-Qava'ed and al-Fava'ed: Writing rules in Shia has been started and developed since authoring this work. This book contains principles of jurisprudence, Usul and literature. Most of the principles are related to jurisprudence that includes most of the religious problems. Therefore, Shahid considers it as a jurisprudential book. The book comprises about 302 principles, 100 benefits, punishments, and various chapters.
Volumes 16 and 17: Jame' al-Bain min Fava'ed al-Shahrain: This series includes the explanations of Amidodin and Ziaodin which has been written based on the book " Tahzib al-Usul", Allameh Helli (d. 726 AH). Shahid added more issues to the book. The author of the book "Amal al-Amel" has seen this book with the handwriting of Shahid Sani.
Volume 18: Al-resa'el al-Kalamiyah va al-Fiqhiyah
a) Some of the ،heological Treatises
Al-Maqalah al-Taklifiyah: It includes the issues of taklif (religious duty) in theology. The author of Riaz has seen its manuscripts in Ardabil and Ray. In terms of content, this treatise is similar to some works such as al-Yawm va al-Laylah and later Jamal al-Ilm va al-Amal, and in a nutshell, this work has referred to a series of Shia jurisprudence and beliefs.
Al-Arba'eeniyah fi al-Mas'el al-Kalamiyah: In this treatise, Shahid has referred to forty key topics in issues of theology and beliefs in a brief and documented way that no theologians have ever adopted such method.
b) Some of the Jurisprudential Treatises
Ahkam al-Amwat: It includes the jurisprudential rulings about dead people from their last will to their visit.
Al-Alfiyah: It includes 1000 obligatory activities in saying prayer that has been compiled in 748 AH. According to author of Qisas al-Ulama quoted from Shahid's Fatwas in the aforementioned book, anointment of feet is obligatory until ankle. Alfiyah has almost 50 explanations and annotations.
Al-Nafliyah: It is one of jurisprudential treatises and it contains 3000 actions of Mustahabb in prayer that has various explanations including Fowad compiled by Shahid Thani.
Al-Masa'el al-Fiqhiyah or Masa'el Ibn Maki: The jurisprudential books has been written and compiled in order. Some consider it as the last book compiled by Shahid.
The date of compilation is 786 AH which is the compiler's martyrdom anniversary.
Volume 19: Al-Mazar and other treatises: In this volume, in addition to the book "al-Mazar", other treatises of Shahid have been categorized and presented in four sections of hadith, ethics, permissions, and poems. For example, in the section of hadith, forty hadiths and in the section of ethics, there are his three last wills.
Al-Mazar: Mazar is a general term referred to all customs, traditions, practices, and worships and pilgrimages that the pilgrim is advised to perform in order to get closer to God during the visit of the prophets and the Imams. In this regard, Shiite scholars have written separate books and treatises, including Shahid's book, Al-Mazar.
Al-Arba'un Hadatha: It contains forty hadiths about worships and their components and has been published separately along with the book "Al-Ghaybah" by Nu'mani as an attachment. Part of this volume is devoted to the permission of Ibn Najdah, Ibn Khazan and a group of scholars. For example, on the twelfth of Ramadan 784 AH, Shahid gave the permission of narration to Ibn Khazan, his student. In this permission, Shahid has referred to the list of some of his own compilations and some of his ways in narration specifically and generally.
Condition of the Book
Each of the volumes of the book has the table of contents at the beginning. The footnotes of the pages include the address of verses and hadiths and explanation of the terms, phrases, and references.
The Encyclopedia of Ahlulbayt was established under supervision of Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy affiliated to Islamic Propagation Office Qom Seminary.
The Encyclopedia includes a collection of systematic and scientific information focusing on The Fourteen Infallibles. Therefore, figures, tribes, cities, and places, theological, Quranic, political, social, jurisprudential, and ethical concepts related to Ahlulbayt will be considered in this collection.
The Necessity
The need for easy and quick access to a valid and reliable reference in order to know figures and teachings of Ahlulbayt in the national and international level as well as to present a scientific and comprehensive collection in this field with regard to lacking such work with these features, make compiling the encyclopedia as necessary.
1. Documentary and dynamic explanation of Ahlulbayt figures and teachings in line with wise defense of them.
2. Reviewing the teachings of Ahlulbayt with regard to the contemporary needs.
3. Developing and empowering the teachings of Ahlulbayt.
4. Wiping out the ignorance and superstitions of the Ahlulbayt's knowledge.
5. Explaining the place of Ahlulbayt in sciences.
6. Answering the questions and doubts in the national and international level systematically and scientifically, in the field of conduct and teachings of Ahlulbayt.
7. Recognizing the different aspects of Ahlulbayt's history and conduct.
8. Identifying and evaluating the scientific heritage of Ahlulbayt and their related works.
1. Considering the intellectual, social, and cultural needs in the international and national levels.
2. Using the scientific literature and avoiding verbal literature.
3. Having commitment to proximity of Islamic communities.
4. Considering the comparative topics when need.
5. Using the scientific capacities of universities and Islamic Seminary.
6. Sticking with innovation in the structure of topics, analyses, compilation, and conclusion.
7. Avoiding raising doubtful and humiliating ideas and perspectives unless in some cases that they are necessary to be raised or criticized.
8. Emphasizing the focus on Ahlulbayt in authoring the papers.
The encyclopedia is compiled with the aim of providing a credit and scientific reference for researchers, the experts of Islamic sciences and humanities and university students, presented in the level of world class. However, all the lovers can use it with regard to their appropriateness to their knowledge.
The Presentation of the Encyclopedia
1. The encyclopedia is presented in both printed and electronic forms.
2. All the papers of the encyclopedia will be uploaded gradually on the encyclopedia website after publishing in printed form.
3. The original copy of the encyclopedia is published gradually, volume after volume in Persian.
The Encyclopedia Website
1. The Encyclopedia Website has started its activities in autumn, 2014, with the aim of revealing the content of encyclopedia and introduction of appropriate resources for studies related to Ahlulbayt. Considering the following points shows the necessity of creating such website:
The necessity of being present on social media.
Lack of ideal richness of activities related to Ahlulbayt on social media.
Presenting the papers of the encyclopedia on social media.
Creating a website to propose, send, and receive the entries.
In addition, some objectives have been considered such as, providing accurate, ideal and timely notification on encyclopedia activities; ideal review of written activities of the encyclopedia on social media; and creating a scientific environment for authors of entries and other researchers in the field of Ahlulbayt history to have access to the related resources.
An Introduction to sections of the website
The encyclopedia website has two general sections of "main menu" and" information bank".
The main menu consists of the following items:
The encyclopedia website does not have any approach for news. However, it deals with the different sections of the encyclopedia and related news about honored research on Ahlulbayt. In this section, the news for research calls related to Ahlulbayt as well as the summary of the meetings on the Fourteen Infallibles are uploaded.
Scientific Council
The scientific council of the encyclopedia consists of 13 members who are in charge of determining and approving the entries and macro-projects of the encyclopedia. In this section, the complete resumes of the council members are available and it is possible to download and view their papers.
In this section, the titles of the encyclopedia's entries are presented alphabetically and based on a thematic categorization. In addition, the original entries will be available in this section electronically, after having been authored and published. In addition, items related to each entry such as papers, theses, encyclopedias, etc. will be available in other sections so that the access to the materials related to the entries would be easier.
The encyclopedia database consists of the following items:
This section comprises five parts that are encyclopedias, Mawsu'a (a collection of works from scholars), lexicons, documents, and others, and its aim is the comprehensive introduction of the works related to Ahlulbayt; it deals with complete, brief, and comparative introduction of the aforementioned items. Meanwhile, three works of "The great Islamic encyclopedia, The Shia encyclopedia and the encyclopedia of Islamic world" have been comparatively examined. That is, the encyclopedia's entries are compared with the published volumes of these works and if some entries have the same title or are similar to the encyclopedia's entries in the works, the introduction and if possible, the full text will be available to the readers. This is done in order to avoid parallelism and it indicates that a large number of the encyclopedia's entries do not exist in these works. In addition to this comparative examination, we will deal with brief and detailed introduction of other works especially those encyclopedias with the titles of Ahlulbayt which are uploaded on the website gradually and they will be presented to the audiences.
The section of papers consists of three Macro-parts which are "historical, socio-theological and jurisprudential-ethical" and each of these parts is categorized based on the topic and includes papers related to the entries of the Ahlulbayt encyclopedia. In addition, over 600 papers on Ahlulbayt have been collected so far, which are related to history. The articles are displayed in tables and by clicking on the title of each paper can have access to its abstract and keyword. However, it is completely free for viewers to download the full papers. One of the benefits of this section is the lovers' familiarity with studies on Ahlulbayt and particularly the honored papers in this field and In addition to citing the author and publication information, the paper's URL and research rank is available.
The first goal of the papers section is to collect the papers related to Ahlulbayt and then other papers of historical entries of the encyclopedia as well as theological and jurisprudential entries will be available on the website.
The same categorization of papers can be seen in the section of theses, with a difference that in this section in addition to the complete information about theses, it is possible to study the abstract and keyword and in some cases the table of content of each thesis.
Since no original thesis can be inserted and displayed on any website, the encyclopedia website has tried to reflect the views of the authors of the theses as much as possible by posting papers related to each thesis.
In the section of books, over 2000 books have been uploaded so far that after examining and choosing the best works among copies, will be introduced and recognized widely in the next website phases.
In this section, it has been tried to introduce the websites related to Ahlulbayt and to mention their scores.
In the section of applications, the two applications "Qaemiyyah" and "Sireh M'asumian" are highly considered as the most important applications that directly deal with Ahlulbayt. However, Qaemiyyah have been more welcomed and considered.
The website of the encyclopedia
The Encyclopedia of the Holy Quran
The macro-project "the encyclopedia of the Holy Quran" has been predicted to be 30 volumes and have been published in 13 volumes so far. Nine volumes (in the form of digital) have been presented on the Center for Quranic Culture and Sciences Website. Eight volumes have been presented on Shajareh Tuba Software.
The main bookshop of Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy (Qom branch), Eram Street, Shuhada Intersection, corner of alley no.20, Qom, Iran.
Tel: +982537832834
Tehran Branch, Unit 312, Foruzandeh Mall, in front of Tehran University, Enghelab Street, Tehran, Iran.
Tel: +982166951534
List of Journals:
Click on the photos to see journals published regularly in Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy.
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